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JL-663 全自动电脑切带机

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-12-11 18:19

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)

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“JL-663 全自动电脑切带机”参数说明

是否有现货: 认证: ISO9001
加工定制: 种类: 鞋机
操作类型: 全自动 产品类型: 全新
品牌: 钜隆 用途: 全自动电脑切带机
产品别名: 全自动电脑切带机 功率: 0.25
型号: JL-663 产量: 10000

“JL-663 全自动电脑切带机”详细介绍

用途:本机适合于:箱包、皮具、鞋业、电子、绳带、电子行业、汽摩配行业、电器、电机、灯具、玩具、变压器、服装、文具等行业。如:套管、排线、铜铝线、彩色带、魔术带、织带、安全带、PP带、尼龙带、粘扣带、棉纱带、松紧带、塑胶带、拉链、套管、纸类、排线、小电线、金属薄片等材料定长裁切 。

特点:a采用高性能微电脑中文控制系统,机型设计符合人体工学原理,操作简便、耐用。b动力采用高扭力步进电机送料,精度高。切带长度、数量、速度可自由设定。c切刀可附加热装置,能将编织带切口加热固结,不产生毛边,精度高,损耗少。d 有反复切断功能。e独特的纠错报警功能,确保操作准确无误。

Use: this machine is suitable for: bags, leather goods, shoes industry, electronics, rope, electronic industry, the city ahs industry, electrical appliances, motor, lamps and lanterns, toys, transformers, clothing, stationery, etc. Such as: casing, platoon line, copper sheet, color belt, magic belt, ribbon, belt, PP tape, nylon tape, fastening belt, cotton yarn tape, elastic, SuJiaoDai, zipper, casing, the paper class, platoon line, small electrical wiring, metallic flake materials such as fixed-length cutting.


Features: a by high performance microcomputer control system, the Chinese model design ergonomic principles, simple operation and durable. B power adopts high torque step-motor feeding, high precision. Cutting length, quantity, speed can be set freely. C cutting knife can be attached heating device, can will weave belt incision heating consolidation, do not produce the flash, high precision, less waste. D have repeatedly cut function. E unique error correction alarm functions, ensure that the operating correctly.




