

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2014-12-18 浏览次数:74
The byword for dress in the Western business world is conservative.This means nothing too flashy,too provocative,too casual,too tight or too revealing.

For the ladies,the following dress items are common:

Pant suit 长裤西服装

Knee-length skirt or full-length dress 齐膝短裙或长裙

Dress pants 正装长裤

Blouse 衬衫

Jacket 夹克

High-heels 高跟鞋

Dress shoes 时装鞋

For men,these are the accepted norms for business attire:

Suit and tie There are many variations on the cut(or style)of the suit,of course,but the most commonly found cuts are Italian,Traditional English,and Traditional American.Many business suits are double-breasted.

A common pattern considered very professional is the pin-stripe.The recognized business colors are black and gray(dark or light),but some companies have established others as their recognized color,such as blue.

Vest 汗衫

Suspenders 吊带裤

Cufflinks 带袖口链扣的男式衬衫系列

Oxfords 牛津衫

The following items are usually not acceptable in most white-collar environments:

Jeans 牛仔系列

T-shirts T恤衫

Tank tops 条文背心

Open-toed or low-cut shoes(low-cuts)漏脚的或平底鞋

Sneakers 运动鞋

Loafers 休闲鞋

However,many Western businesses have adopted what is commonly referred to as casual Fridays or dress-down Fridays,where they allow employees who are not dealing directly with the public to wear casual attire,including some of the usually non-acceptable items mentioned above.



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